Family to me means everything. Family to me is a group of people who care about one another, care for one another. Not just like a nuclear family with parents, children.
Shelia Adkins, APRN-CNP
Certified Nurse Practitioner, FMC One-Stop Center
Shelia Adkins is a certified nurse practitioner from Greenup County, KY. She received her nursing degree from the University of Kentucky. Adkins worked as a nurse for over twenty years before getting her nurse practitioner degree from Ohio University where she also taught nursing. She is experienced in pediatrics, mother-child nursing, and adult nursing. Adkins understands the need for patient involvement and makes it a priority in treatment.
What is Plaguing Lawrence County?
What is Plaguing Lawrence County? “Plague: an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality.” Sounds like COVID-19, right? Well yes, but unfortunately we have another plague in Lawrence County….Hepatitis C. COVID-19 [...]
COVID-19 Testing now open to non-symptomatic people
All Family Medical Centers are offering full-spectrum COVID 19 testing for anyone who would like to be tested. Tests available include nasal swab for current infection and blood antibodies for past infection. Testing is [...]
To Our Patients
To our Patients: We do not want you to avoid needed care during this difficult time. Here is some information on how we are handling your healthcare needs: For our Pediatric Practices: Our [...]